Flow® is cutting edge software for organized volume photography.


Flow® is flexible, whether you shoot sports, schools, daycare, grads, or church directories Flow® has the tools to build an effective low labour workflow.

Image capture in both conventional and green screen modes are supported. Flow® is tightly integrated with ImageQuix® Vando online shopping cart, and an entire project can be posted for sales online with a single push of a button.

Sending lab orders is a single button push as well. Flow® has been in development by Technicare and PhotoLynx since 2008.

FLOW Screen Shot

Flow® is designed to manage an entire volume photo project including subject data, multiple images, multiple sessions, soft cropping, tags for service assignments, and individual and group pictures. Flow tracks all the images in a project, and all orders and order history within a project.

Flow is designed to support central management of a project with multiple cameras and capture stations, and multiple sessions and retakes managed in one comprehensive project.

The Flow® Catalog system is unique. Flow® Certified Labs provide a catalog of supported products. This catalog contains the available order options, pricing, and a full description of the item. The second side of the Catalog is the Flow users retail pricing catalog. This provides for packaging of these items into retail packages and the supporting information for cost and margin analysis. Once a Flow user has defined their pricing and package contents order entry is as simple as select the cropped image and assign the package. 

The Capture system supports Green Screen and standard capture with precise capture overlay masking in real time as shots are made. Capture includes an embedded version of Photolynx Mr. Gray®. This provides 1/10th stop exposure repeatability and precise white balance matching. This ensures that even with multiple cameras and multiple sessions in a project all sessions have matching color and exposure. 

The Flow® Edit module supports global cropping in seconds as well as complete control over individual image crops. All cropping is “soft cropping” so a crop can be revisited at any time. By default when a subject capture is completed the last image shot is assigned a “service item” tag indicating that it is the image to be used for student ID cards or other service items. This tag can be reassigned to another image if required in the edit module. 


  1. – Superb quality
  2. – Fine detail retention
  3. – Automatically removes wrinkles & dust
  4. – Automatically removes spill
  5. – Automatically repairs JPEG artifacts
  6. – Automatically removes shadows
  7. – Automatic Green Masking
  8. – green clothes and foliage are no longer an issue

How does it work?

  1. – Your entire project is submitted for extraction with just a couple of mouse clicks
  2. – After editing your Flow project, simply press a button and your images will be submitted. In less than 48 hours, you can retrieve your images in Flow. The retrieved pngs will replace your jpgs so that you are able to immediately place orders or post online.

The Flow® layout system allows for the design of virtually any sort of composite product using the images and data for any individual subject and their related group images. Layout supports import of .jpg and .png with alpha channels from Photoshop or other image editors. Text can be added or called from the subject database and rendered in any orientation with any font contained in the user computer. The rendering system supports any color choice, strokes, drop shadows, and precision placement by either drag and drop or entered coordinates. 

Flow® has a comprehensive reporting system with the ability to export report data as PDF or Excel files.

Flow® has an export system to export either the whole project or images and data. Included in that export system is a cropped service image and data export designed for PhotoLynx Imagematch®

Flow Order

Flow® is superb software. But even the best software goes nowhere without comprehensive support and training. Technicare Imaging and Photolynx developed this program as a joint venture and supported Flow® from the first alpha releases in 2008. Technicare is the world’s first Flow Certified Lab® for both lab production services as well as technical support. Technicare conducts an ongoing program of Flow® user seminars through the spring season as well as continuous online support through the busy production season.

The current Flow installer is available here. After Installation please contact support@technicare.com for activation and setup assistance. 

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